5th Annual Geriatric Behavioral Health Conference

November 12, 2021 to November 13, 2021



  • Healthcare Professionals: $99
  • Broadlawns Medical Center Residents: $0
  • Students: $0

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Learn virtually from national experts about mental health disorders that occur in older adults.

Target Audience

This course is open to all interested healthcare providers.

Jointly Hosted By


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
  • 10.75 AOA Category 1­A
  • 10.75 CE Contact Hour(s)
  • 10.75 IBON
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
11/12/2021 - 8:00am CST
Event ends: 
11/13/2021 - 12:30pm CST

Subject to change. All times listed are in Central Time. All presentations will utilize the Zoom platform.

Friday, November 12, 2021
8:00 amWelcome and Introduction
Robert Bender, MD, Broadlawns Medical Center
8:15 am

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Seniors 
Douglas Steenblock, MD, Iowa Veterans Home

The coronavirus pandemic created unprecedented challenges for mental health clinicians who treat older adults. This session will summarize recent data relating to the psychological effects of the pandemic as well as the neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19. Telepsychiatry for older adults will also be discussed, including services in the home and in long-term care facilities.  

  • Identify the psychological effects of the coronavirus pandemic with regard to older patients. 
  • Discuss the neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19 in the elderly. 
  • Improve telepsychiatry services to geriatric patients. 
9:15 am

Non-Pharmacologic Interventions for Behavioral Difficulties in the Nursing Home
Lyn Hilgenberg, BA, CDCP, CSA, Daylily Consulting

The purpose of this session is to assist the care partners in appreciation of intended and unintended communication consequences. One of the most frequently asked question is, “Why do they do that?” This presentation discusses some of the most problematic situations that professional care teams deal with in dementia care. By isolating and understanding distressing behaviors, successful care planning is possible.

  • Recognize behavior as a form of communication.
  • Define the four primary problem-solving components for distressing dementia behavior.
  • Apply practical solutions in coping with five of the most frequent distressing behaviors.
10:15 amBreak
10:30 am

Stress in the Professional Caregiver
Kathleen Laurin, PhD, Broadlawns Medical Center

As medical professionals who work with older adults, we are well aware of the stress of caregiving. We look for it in the spouses and children of our patients and encourage self-care and planning for adequate support. Sometimes we forget, as professionals, we are also vulnerable. Burnout is not just a buzz word. It is real, and there is evidence that it is increasing. Caregivers of older adults are at risk. This presentation is designed to help us understand and recognize signs of burnout as well as to begin implementing strategies to avoid it. 

  • Differentiate between stress and burnout.
  • Discuss the significant risk of burnout to caregivers of older adults. 
  • Identify strategies to increase meaning and connection in our work with the patients we serve.
  • Develop an individualized plan to promote long-term personal wellness. 
11:15 am

Meditation and the Brain
Robert Bender, MD

  • List benefits of meditation for providers and patients.
  • Describe the predictable effects on the brain with regular meditation.
  • Discuss techniques to practice and teach meditation.
12:00 pmLunch
1:00 pm

Case Presentations with Expert Panelists
Adrianna Mitchell, MD, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program
Kyle LeMasters, DO, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program
Walter Mogeni, MBChB, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program
Leonard S. Richards, DO, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program (Moderator)

Panelists will review several psychiatric cases in elderly patients, including psychosis, dementia, and obsessive compulsive disorder.

  • Discuss differential diagnosis for psychotic symptoms in the elderly.
  • List reversible causes of dementia.
  • Describe challenges associated with use of antipsychotics in elderly patients with neurocognitive disorders.
  • Evaluate management of benzodiazepines in the geriatric population.
  • Identify treatment options for Lewy body dementia.
  • Recognize the role of the physical exam in mental health.
2:30 pmBreak
2:45 pm

Substance Use Disorders and the Brain in the Geriatric Population
Michelle Davids, DO, Broadlawns Medical Center
Dhrumil Patel, MD, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program

The current global pandemic has had an impact on persons with substance use disorders, including the geriatric population. Substance use disorders have the ability to negatively impact older adults and the neurobiology of addictions will be reviewed. 

  • Define Substance Use Disorders.
  • Describe ways in which to screen for substances use disorders in the geriatric population.
  • List common substances of misuse and how they impact the brain.
  • Discuss treatment of substance use disorders in the geriatric population.
3:30 pm

Panel Discussion on Geriatric Psychiatry: Embracing the Challenge
Brenda Irlbeck, MSN, MBA, RN, Iowa Health Care Association
Paul Mulhausen, MD, FACP, AGSF, Iowa Total Care
Heather Thomas, LISW, CADC, Unity Point-Eyerly Ball Community Mental Health Services
C. Tyler VanMilligen, DO, MercyOne Psychiatry Residency
Robert Bender, MD (Moderator)
Douglas Steenblock, MD (Moderator)

This panel of local experts and leaders will discuss the delivery of mental health services to seniors in our region, including the obstacles and some potential solutions. 

  • Identify obstacles that limit the access that older adults have to psychiatric care. 
  • Discuss solutions that could improve the access to and quality of geriatric psychiatry services. 
  • Formulate a comprehensive action plan to coordinate the resources needed to improve mental health care for seniors. 
4:30 pmAdjourn
Saturday, November 13, 2021
8:00 amWelcome
Robert Bender, MD
8:15 am

Is It Parkinson’s or the Anti-Psychotic Medication?
Wendy Zadeh, MD, Broadlawns Medical Center
Paul Schroeder, MD, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program

This session will provide a more fulsome understanding of the prevalence of abnormal movements (Parkinsonism) with antipsychotics and the choices we must make in deciding to use them.

  • List which antipsychotics pose a risk of being a Parkinson’s mimicker.
  • Describe options to consider if an antipsychotic drug is causing Parkinsonism.
  • Demonstrate what abnormal movements look like with antipsychotic medications through example patient cases.
9:00 am

Functional Neurologic Syndromes
Robert Bender, MD

  • Discuss typical patient presentation for functional neurologic syndromes.
  • Describe the underlying neurologic pathophysiology of these disorders.
  • List practical treatment interventions for these patients.
9:45 am

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in the Geriatric Patient
Lori Suvalsky, MD, VA Central Iowa Health Care System
Christopher Stefan, DO, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program

Did you know ECT might be the safest option to offer your geriatric patients struggling with mental illness? You’d be surprised – come and hear what we have to tell you!

  • Describe the history of ECT.
  • Discuss the current theories of the mechanism of action of ECT.
  • List medical and psychiatric considerations in choosing appropriate geriatric patients for treatment with ECT.
  • Compare and contrast the differences in the work up of patients for ECT based on age.
  • Describe the risks, benefits, alternatives, and complications of ECT in the geriatric population.
10:30 amBreak
10:45 am

Neuropsychiatry of Diffuse Lewy Body Dementia & Parkinson’s Disease Dementia
Kiel Morris, DO, Broadlawns Medical Center

Lewy Body Disease is one of the most common dementia-causing conditions, but may be difficult to distinguish early in its course given the significant overlap with features of Alzheimer’s.  This session will discuss early and unique features of Lewy Body disease to provide tools for learners to more easily recognize the diagnosis. Treatments relevant to symptomatic features, including cognitive & psychiatric manifestations, will also be discussed.

  • Define Lewy Body Disease and dementia.
  • Explain underlying pathophysiology of Lewy Body Disease.
  • Differentiate between Parkinson Dementia (PDD) and Lewy Body Dementia (DLB).
  • Review key identifiable features that make PDD and DLB stand out.
  • Discuss treatments for cognitive and psychiatric symptoms.
11:30 am

Anxiety in Older Patients
Rebecca Lundquist, MD, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program
Tyler Zahrli, MD, MA, Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program

Anxiety disorders are not uncommon among geriatric patients and are underdiagnosed and managed, contributing to increased risk for this patient population. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has likely contributed to and exacerbated anxiety disorders among older patients. This presentation reviews the prevalence, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment of anxiety in older patients as well as provides strategies for medication management. 

  • Recognize the prevalence of anxiety among older patients.
  • Review common anxiety disorders among elderly patients.
  • Determine how to evaluate anxiety.
  • Assess management options for older patients with anxiety.
  • Evaluate challenging prescribing methodology.
12:15 pmQuestion and Answer Session
12:30 pmAdjourn

Robert Bender, MD
Broadlawns Medical Center



Rebecca Lundquist, MD
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Douglas Steenblock, MD
Iowa Veterans Home 


Michelle Davids, DO
Broadlawns Medical Center


Lyn Hilgenberg, BA, CDCP, CSA
Daylily Consulting


Brenda Irlbeck, MSN, MBA, RN
Iowa Health Care Association


Kathleen Laurin, PhD
Broadlawns Medical Center


Kyle LeMasters, DO
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Adrianna Mitchell, MD
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Walter Mogeni, MBChB
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Kiel Morris, DO
Broadlawns Medical Center


Paul Mulhausen, MD, FACP, AGSF
Iowa Total Care


Dhrumil Patel, MD
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Leonard S. Richards, DO
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Paul Schroeder, MD
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Christopher Stefan, DO
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Lori Suvalsky, MD
VA Central Iowa Health Care System


Heather Thomas, LISW, CADC
Unity Point-Eyerly Ball Community Mental Health Services


C. Tyler VanMilligen, DO
MercyOne Psychiatry Residency


Wendy Zadeh, MD
Broadlawns Medical Center


Tyler Zahrli, MD, MA
Broadlawns UnityPoint Psychiatry Residency Program


Accreditation Statements

  • MD: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Iowa Medical Society (IMS) through the joint providership of Des Moines University (DMU) and Broadlawns Medical Center. DMU is accredited by IMS to provide continuing medical education for physicians. DMU designates this live activity for a maximum of 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.  Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 
  • DO: Des Moines University (DMU) is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) to provide osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians. DMU designates this program for a maximum of 10.75 AOA Category 1-A credits and will report CME and specialty credits commensurate with the extent of the physician’s participation in this activity.
  • Nurse: Des Moines University is Iowa Board of Nursing approved provider #112. This live activity has been reviewed and approved for 10.75 continuing education contact hour(s). Nurses must attend the entire session within each day to receive credit. Partial session credit is prohibited and will be forfeited.
  • Other Health Professionals: This live activity is designated for a maximum of 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.


No commercial interest company provided financial support for this continuing education activity.


The speaker(s) will disclose if any pharmaceuticals or medical procedures and devices discussed are investigational or unapproved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Determination of educational content and the selection of speakers is the responsibility of the activity director. 

Relevant to the content of this educational activity, the following individual(s) have no conflict(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

  • Michelle Davids, DO - Speaker
  • Lyn Hilgenberg, BA, CDCP, CSA - Speaker
  • Brenda Irlbeck, MSN, MBA, RN - Speaker
  • Kathleen Laurin, PhD - Speaker
  • Adrianna Mitchell, MD - Speaker
  • Dhrumil Patel, MD - Speaker
  • Walter Mogeni, MBChB - Speaker
  • Paul Mulhausen, MD, FACP, AGSF - Speaker
  • Leonard S. Richards, DO - Moderator
  • Paul Schroeder, MD - Speaker
  • Douglas Steenblock, MD - Planning committee member and speaker
  • Christopher Stefan, DO - Speaker
  • Lori Suvalsky, MD - Speaker
  • Heather Thomas, LISW, CADC - Speaker
  • C. Tyler VanMilligen, DO - Speaker

Relevant to the content of this educational activity, the following individual(s) have a conflict(s) with ineligible companies to disclose. All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.

  • Robert Bender, MD - Activity director and speaker, received an honorarium from TEVA.
  • Kyle LeMasters, DO - Speaker, intends to discuss off-label uses of product(s)/device(s).
  • Rebecca Lundquist, MD - Planning committee member and speaker, intends to discuss off-label uses of product(s)/device(s).
  • Kiel Morris, DO - Speaker, intends to discuss off-label uses of product(s)/device(s).
  • Wendy Zadeh, MD - Speaker, is on the speaker’s bureau for Biohaven Nurtec and received an honorarium from Allergran BOTOX® and UBRELVY®.
  • Tyler Zahrli, MD, MA - Speaker, intends to discuss off-label uses of product(s)/device(s).


The information provided at this activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a healthcare provider relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition. The content of each presentation does not necessarily reflect the views of Des Moines University.

Available Credit

  • 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
  • 10.75 AOA Category 1­A
  • 10.75 CE Contact Hour(s)
  • 10.75 IBON

Broadlawns Medical Center, Iowa Veterans Home, and Des Moines University are pleased to announce sponsorship opportunities for the 5th Annual Geriatric Behavioral Health Conference planned for November 12-13, 2021. The planning committee’s goal is to build a community of support for attendees while ensuring that sponsors receive marketing opportunities at an incredible value.

Attendees of this conference include physicians, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, physician assistants, interested support staff, and healthcare students. 100% of the attendees from the 4th Annual Geriatric Behavioral Health Conference agreed the educational activity made them more effective in their practice. We know this level of excellence and education will continue this year as well.

If you are interested in sponsoring the 5th Annual Geriatric Behavioral Health Conference, please email [email protected] or call 515-271-1596.

The following sponsorship opportunities are available:

Tier 1 Sponsor – $200

  • Virtual exhibit hall space that includes company logo linked to company website.
  • Embedded two-minute pre-recorded video or static advertisement image.
  • Link to up to two resources (PDF handout, printable resource for patients, URL, etc.).
  • Link to contact a representative for more information.
  • List of conference attendees that consent to having their contact information shared.

Tier 2 Sponsor – $100

  • Virtual exhibit hall space to include company logo linked to company website.
  • One-page static advertisement image.
  • Link to up to two resources (PDF handout, printable resource for patients, URL, etc.).
  • Link to contact a representative for more information.


We would like to emphasize that we greatly value the support provided by sponsors, which facilitates the execution of a high-quality meeting experience for all. Thank you to the sponsors of the 5th Annual Geriatric Behavioral Health Conference! Click the organization's logo to learn more!

Tier 1 Sponsors

Tier 2 Sponsors


Please login or Create an Account to take this course.


  • All cancellations must be received in writing at [email protected].
  • A nonrefundable administrative fee of $20 will be charged for all cancellations.
  • No refunds will be given three (3) business days before the activity start date.
  • Canceled registrations can be transferred to another individual for the same activity.
  • Individuals who fail to attend the activity (no-shows) will not receive any refund. Forfeited fees may not be applied to any other activity.