IPTA Fall Conference

Des Moines, IA US
October 24, 2019 to October 26, 2019



Please visit the conference website for additional information, cost, and to register.

If you have questions, please contact the Iowa Physical Therapy Association at mail@iowaapta.org.


Thursday, October 24, 2019 

12:30 - 5 pm     Foundation Issues Forum

  • The Professional Malpractice and Licensure Investigation Experiences: Provider Perspectives: Malpractice costs are growing within the PT profession. Even unsuccessful professional malpractice claims can lead to reputational harm, cause business disruption and exact a heavy personal or financial toll on the accused. Our panel will share their first-hand experiences defending against malpractice allegations in Iowa, explain general malpractice litigation procedures and explore the risk management lifecycle of a malpractice claim.  
  • Payment & Policy Update: Find out the latest updates from APTA on payment and policy.
  • Research and Push for Conservative Care within Healthcare for Cost Saving Measures: The confluence of the high and growing cost of treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, growing body of research on the efficacy of non-pharmacologic approaches to pain management, highly variable clinical practice in spite of the availability of high quality clinical guidelines, and the opioid epidemic has led to many stakeholders looking at what can be done to help make the healthcare system work better for patients with musculoskeletal pain. This presentation will share data from a large payer demonstrating the value of non-pharmacologic approaches to treating musculoskeletal conditions and how this data is being translated into actions focused on making it easier for patients to receive treatment recommended by current clinical guidelines.
  • Legislative Update: Get the latest updates on APTA federal affairs issues and a preview of the 2020 legislative session.
Friday, October 25, 2019

8 - 10 am     Orthotics Applications in Sports Medicine and Scoliosis Orthotic Treatment Modalities (Concurrent)

Ben Ramsay, Certified Orthotist, Hangar Clinic

This session will feature two one-hour topics. 

Orthotic Applications in Sports Medicine: This one hour course will identify the most common injuries and orthotic treatment methods for the ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder. Focus will be on the patient evaluation process and the various orthotic options to ensure the appropriate orthosis is utilized to maximize stability, function and rehabilitation outcomes.

Scoliosis Orthotic Treatment Modalities: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: This one hour course describes basic pathophysiology of scoliosis and its implications specifically for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). The Instructor will review the names and distinguishing functional characteristic of various devices, as well as identify common full-time and night-time orthoses used in the treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Specific devices presented are: Milwaukee CTLSO; Boston-type TLSO;  Wilmington Orthosis; Hanger’s Scoliosis Orthotic System; SpineCor Scoliosis System; Charleston Bending Brace and the Providence System.

8 - 10 am     Wound Management (Concurrent)

Juanita Robel, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Department, Des Moines University

Treatment of wounds requires an understanding of the underlying pathophysiology. This 2-hour session will provide participants with background information needed to distinguish the cause of peripheral vascular wounds. Various wound management strategies will be covered including debridement and dressing choices.

  • Explain the types of tests and measures needed to complete an examination of a patient with an open wound.
  • Differentiate between open wounds related to arterial insufficiency, venous insufficiency, lymphedema, and neuropathic cause.
  • Determine the most effective plan of care for a patient with an open wound

8 am - 2:15 pm     Oncology Rehab for Physical Therapy (Two Day Course)

Andrea Leiserowitz, Owner, Oncology Physical Therapy

  • Identify common effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone treatments and impacts on exercise prescription in the oncology population.  
  • Interpret lab values before selecting appropriate exercise interventions.
  • Identify red flag and safety considerations.

10:15 am - 4:15 pm     The Senior Athlete Fitness Exam: A Tool for Screening High-Functioning Aging Athletes (Concurrent)

Becca Jordre, DPT, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Department, University of South Dakota

The SAFE was designed as a screening tool for aging athletes and addresses physical capacity and risk factors in the areas of cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility and balance. Dr. Jordre will present an overview of SAFE findings from the 3,000 athletes tested thus far and will discuss normative values and risk factors that have been identified. All course participants will have the opportunity to practice the SAFE in lab and utilize the associated athlete report card and educational materials. Associated forms, instructions, normative references and cut scores will be provided during class and electronically for future use. Dr. Jordre will discuss the structure of the National Senior Games Association and how it relates to state and local senior games opportunities. Strategies for implementing the SAFE in your clinical practice or as a service activity in your local area will be included.

  • Discuss the major categories of the Senior Athlete Fitness Exam (SAFE) and what each is designed to test.
  • Discuss the current findings from National Senior Games athletes already tested on the SAFE.
  • Describe the structure of the National Senior Games Association and how it relates to state and local senior games activities.
  • Conduct each area of the SAFE with consistent and accurate methods.
  • Interpret each area of the SAFE in terms of norms and risk thresholds as it relates to the senior athlete.
  • Demonstrate the ability to complete and interpret the Athlete Report Card.
  • Report the best strategies for implementing the SAFE at the state and local level.

10:15 am - 4:15 pm     Foundations and Practice of Myofascial Release (Concurrent)

Justin Scherff, DPT
Practicing Partner, Core Physical Therapy

This course is designed to give participants a greater understanding of the myofascial system and how it is related to patient management in physical therapy.  This course has many opportunities for hands-on experiences.

  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the myofascial system.
  • Develop confidence in performing specific myofascial release techniques.  
  • Discuss the role of myofascial release techniques in patient management. 
  • Perform a whole-body myofascial resiliency assessment. 
  • Apply the principles of myofascial release to musculoskeletal impairments.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 

8 - 11:15 am     Pain and Addiction Care: VA's Transformation and its Impact on Non-VA Providers (Concurrent)

Charlotte Bailey, PT, Iowa City VA Health Care System

The VA health care system is evolving. Through years of efforts to expand access to intensive pain rehab programs, build local interdisciplinary pain specialty teams, and increase prescriber and patient education for improved opioid safety, VA continues to transform pain care for Veterans. Changes in community pain care, including trends in opioid prescribing and interventional care, have increased the number of Veterans with pain and iatrogenic opioid use disorder transitioning their care to the VA.  Implementation of the Mission Act in June 2019 has implications for non-VA providers and the Veterans they care for; knowledge of VA programs and services can help non-VA clinicians partner and collaborate effectively to meet their patient's needs.  

  • Explain to a patient how non-VA services are incorporated into the VA's stepped model of pain care and "whole health" treatment approaches.
  • Justify the need to reassess/analyze the use of biomedical information and pain-contingent goals in care of Veterans with chronic pain. 
  • State the differences in risk factors and pain-perpetuating co-morbidities occuring in Veteran populations. 
  • Recognize opportunities to partner with VA to improve access to assessment and treatment of iatrogenic opioid use disorder, complex chronic pain, and known pain-perpetuating diagnoses.

8 - 11:15 am     Chew on This: Evaluation and Treatment of TMJ Dysfunction (Concurrent)

Tracy Porter, DPT, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Department, Des Moines University

This course will provide an overview of key history, systems review, and examination elements for the evaluation of patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction.  Diagnostic classifications and evidence based interventions will be presented.  Attendees will have the opportunity to practice manual techniques and other recommended interventions.

  • Describe TMJ anatomy and biomechanics.
  • Identify key examination elements.
  • Discuss diagnostic classifications for TMJ dysfunction.
  • Apply interventions specific to a diagnostic classification.

8 am - 2:15 pm     Oncology Rehab for Physical Therapy (Two Day Course)

Andrea Leiserowitz, Owner, Oncology Physical Therapy

  • Identify common effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone treatments and impacts on exercise prescription in the oncology population.  
  • Interpret lab values before selecting appropriate exercise interventions.
  • Identify red flag and safety considerations.


View their biographies. 

  • Andrea Leiserowitz, Oncology Physical Therapy
  • Becca Jordre, University of South Dakota
  • Justin Scherff, Core Physical Therapy
  • Ben Ramsay, Hangar Clinic
  • Juanita Robel, Des Moines University
  • Charlotte Bailey, Iowa City VA Health Care System
  • Tracy Porter, Des Moines University
  • Randy Boldt, Rock Valley Physical Therapy
  • David Elton, UnitedHealth Group
  • Brenda Kemling, American Physical Therapy Association
  • Steve Cassabaum, Iowa Physical Therapy Association
  • Jeramy Kuhn
  • Riley Anderson, VGM Group
  • Pat Cross, Iowa Physical Therapy Association
  • Jason Putz, Physical Therapy Solutions

Exhibitor Information

Please join us as an exhibitor at the 2019 Fall Conference at Des Moines University. We are pleased to offer you the same great opportunities, but at new times this fall! Times to exhibit and meet with conference attendees will be on Friday, October 25. The popular dessert reception will be held from 12:30-1:00 pm. More information. 


    The information provided at this CME activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a healthcare provider relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition. The content of each presentation does not necessarily reflect the views of Des Moines University.

    Course summary
    Available credit: 
    • 0.01 CE Contact Hour(s)
    Course opens: 
    Course expires: 
    Event starts: 
    10/24/2019 - 12:00pm CDT
    Event ends: 
    10/26/2019 - 2:30pm CDT


    Des Moines University
    3200 Grand Avenue
    Des Moines, IA 50312
    United States
    +1 (515) 271-1596

    Des Moines University is located on a 22-acre campus in the heart of Des Moines, Iowa. Just west of downtown on Grand Avenue, the University is located in one of Des Moines’ most prestigious neighborhoods. The campus is in a historic neighborhood filled with tree-lined streets and gracious older homes and businesses. Its central location makes it easy to access the rest of the city and outlying communities. The campus is close to the Des Moines International Airport, located on the bus line and just blocks from local shopping and downtown Des Moines.



    Staybridge Suites- Downtown Des Moines
    201 E Locust Street
    Des Moines, IA 50309
    (515) 280-3828

    • Studio King Suite $129/night
    • Room Block Name: Iowa Physical Therapy Association
    • Group Code: IPT
    • Spacious suites feature a fully equipped kitchen, On-site laundry, On-site fitness center, Pool and whirlpool, Hot breakfast buffet, Monday-Wednesday evening dinner with beer and wine, Internet access, Wifi, business center, and parking available.


    CE Credits

    Available Credit

    • 0.01 CE Contact Hour(s)

    Register/Take course


    Please login or Create an Account to take this course.

    Please visit the conference website for additional information, cost, and to register.