If you're having difficulties uploading your abstract, please email it to cme@dmu.edu and include if you'd like to do an oral or poster presentation, your mentor's name and email address, your program, if you're an undergraduate or graduate student, and your expected year of graduation. 

Please note these important dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, September 5
  • Notification of oral presentations: Friday, September 7

Quick Links

Oral PresentationsPoster PresentationsSubmission FormRegister for the Meeting

Abstract Guidelines

Faculty and students are encouraged to submit abstracts. There is no limit on the number of abstracts a person can submit. Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in both the undergraduate and graduate poster competition categories. The deadline to register your poster and submit your abstract is Wednesday, September 5.

View an abstract example. 

We welcome abstracts of experimental biology and case studies from multiple areas of Physiology including, but not limited to:

  • Autonomic
  • Cardiovascular
  • Cell/Molecular
  • Central Nervous System
  • Educational Research
  • Endocrine
  • Exercise
  • Gut
  • Musculoskeletal and Integument
  • Renal
  • Respiratory 

Competing posters will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Layout: Does the overall layout of the poster facilitate comprehension of the research?
  • Abstract: Is the abstract an accurate summary of the work?
  • Question: Is there a clear statement of the question, hypothesis or purpose?
  • Methods: Are the methods presented clearly and completely?
  • Results: Is there a logical presentation of the results with clear descriptive headers for each section?
  • Figures: Are figures and tables easy to read and interpret?
  • Conclusions: Are the conclusions appropriate and distinct from the summary of results?
  • Oral presentation: Is the verbal presentation well organized, appropriate for the target audience, complete, and concise?
  • Response to questions: Are the answers to questions accurate and focused?
  • Overall: How well do the poster and the verbal presentation convey the project as important scientific research?

All abstracts will be published in the meeting program. View an abstract example. Please submit your abstract according to the following guidelines:

  • Format: Microsoft Word format
  • Font: Arial, 11 point
  • Margins: 1.25″ left border. 1″ remaining borders
  • Spacing: Single-spaced
  • Justification: Left
  • Abstract body length: No more than 250 words
  • Type the title first, using title casing.
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles and species names. Italicize scientific names of organisms.
  • List all authors, institutional affiliations and short addresses (city and state only).
  • Bold the author delivering the paper.

Consider the following questions when preparing your abstract.

  • Does the abstract clearly state the aim of the project (i.e. a research question, theoretical issue, or problem)?
  • Is the significance of work clearly stated?
  • If relevant, are the methods, data collection, and analysis procedures well-designed and appropriate to the question addressed?
  • Are the conclusions justified in relation to the data and/or analysis/description?
  • Is the abstract written clearly and organized well?

Oral Presentations

  • Six students will be selected to give an oral presentation introducing their poster. Presentations are limited to five minutes and five slides (not including the title slide and references). 
  • If your abstract was selected, you will be notified by Friday, September 7.
  • Oral presenters are also requested to present a poster. 
  • A moderator keeps track of your presentation time and may also facilitate the discussion. Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 will be used to project slides. Please make sure your presentation is compatible with this program. If you prefer to use a MAC computer or have video files, arrangements must be made prior to the program and you will be responsible for bringing an adapter. Presentation and video files should be stored on a USB drive.


Poster Presentations

  • Posters should be no more than 5′ wide and 4′ high.
  • Materials to hang your poster will be available onsite.
  • Posters are displayed throughout the day. Please do not remove your poster until the end of the day’s activities.
  • Posters must be hung by 8 am and removed by 5:30 pm. If you’re able, please hang your poster as early as possible as we encourage people to view them the entire day.
  • Prepare and practice a short summary speech—no more than 3 minutes—about your project. This is an excellent networking opportunity, so it is important to speak and interact professionally. You will receive lots of feedback and exposure as well.
  • Any remaining posters will be kept in the DMU CME office (AC #430) until September 28.




Only one individual will be allowed to present the research. Please decide with your mentor who that individual will be.
I confirm the work submitted is my own and all co-authors have given written permission for me to present the research at the educational activity.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: doc docx.