Children of Adam: Focus on the Greater Middle East Culture and Health

Des Moines, IA US
April 6, 2016

Open to Des Moines University students, faculty, and staff only. 

Limited spots available - RSVP via Pulse (Community page - Event Sign Up - Multicultural Affairs). Attend 6 out of the 8 workshops and receive a diversity health series certificate. Participants have a 2 year time period to complete at least 6 sessions. Sponsored by Multicultural Affairs.

Join us as we use the art of film to create an interactive cultural learning experience. This film series raises the cultural awareness, knowledge and skills of health care providers, health care employees, community partners and anyone interested in learning more about diverse cultures. It is designed to promote enhanced patient/client interactions and health outcomes; create respectful and productive relationships in the workplace; and foster collaborative relationships with communities to find solutions that address and eliminate health care disparities. The highly acclaimed, multi-award winning Diversity & Health Series is produced by Tina Martelon from the Kaiser Permanente-Colorado Region, and directed by Michael Day of Clear day Films.

Additional Diversity Health Series Activities

February 17Diversity Health Series Introduction and Overview SessionMore Info
February 24The Spirit is Able: Focus on the Culture and Health of People with DisabilitiesMore Info
March 2Journey of 10,000 Miles: Focus on Asian/Pacific Islander Culture and HealthMore Info
March 9Viva Bien: Focus on Latino Culture and HealthMore Info
March 23Side By Side: Generations Working Together Focus on Four Generations in the Workplace and Healthcare  More Info
March 30Hozho: Life in Balance Focus on Native American and Alaskan Native Culture and HealthMore Info
April 13Out: Focus on Gay, Lesbian Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (GLBTI) Culture and HealthMore Info
April 20Touching the Dream: Focus on African American Culture and HealthMore Info
April 27In Our Boots: Focus on the Veterans’ Journey and HealthMore Info
May 4Certificate of Completion Recognition Program 

Are you a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year student who has been unable to attend sessions during the day?  Join us for the Diversity Health Series on Wednesday evenings.  Faculty and staff are also welcome and encouraged to attend either session. Topics will be presented in the same order as listed above.

February 17 - April 27  ♦  SEC #115  ♦  6 - 7 pm


​​Marcy Burkhead
[email protected]

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 CE Contact Hour(s)
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
04/06/2016 - 12:00pm CDT
Event ends: 
04/06/2016 - 1:00pm CDT
Des Moines University
3200 Grand Avenue
SEC #115
Des Moines, IA 50312
United States

Available Credit

  • 1.00 CE Contact Hour(s)


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