If you have trouble uploading your abstract, please contact the Des Moines University Medicine and Health Sciences Continuing Medical Education office at cme@dmu.edu.Important DatesPoster abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 11:59 pm CTFinal instructions via email: Thursday, March 27, 2025. All poster abstracts are invited to participate in the Symposium. No financial compensation is provided.INSTRUCTIONSThe planning committee for the Mercy College of Health Sciences 18th Annual Research Symposium invites you to submit a poster abstract. The Symposium will provide an engaging forum to discuss the latest opportunities, resources, and strategies for helping medical professionals and first responders process trauma. The committee is looking for poster abstract proposals on medical professional and first responder trauma topics. We are also open to healthcare-related projects, even if they do not directly address the Symposium's main theme. The Symposium is an excellent opportunity to share your work with colleagues from diverse healthcare fields.The committee is particularly interested in poster abstracts dealing with research issues in the following areas:Trauma-informed care Mental health and PTSDComplex and compound trauma Holistic health and healing Support structures for trauma careBest practice trauma healthcare protocolsThe Symposium will be held on Monday, March 31, 2025, at Mercy College’s downtown Des Moines campus.To learn more about the Symposium, visit the registration website. ABSTRACT GUIDELINESAbstracts should follow these requirements:The title is limited to a maximum of 10 words.The abstract is limited to a maximum of 500 words.Presentation learning objectives should align with the educational approach of the Symposium.Consider the following questions when preparing your abstract.Does the abstract clearly state the project's aim (i.e., a question, issue, or problem)?Is the significance of the research clearly stated?If relevant, are the methods, data collection, and analysis procedures well-designed and appropriate to the question addressed?Are the conclusions justified about the data and/or analysis/description?Is the abstract written clearly and organized well?QuestionsRyan Marr, MDiv, PhDDean of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mercy College of Health Sciencesryan.marr@mchs.edu 515-643-6679Submission Form Primary Poster Presenter - First Name * This person is the main point of contact. Primary Poster Presenter - Last Name * This person is the main point of contact. Primary Poster Presenter - Degree(s)/Credential(s) Primary Poster Presenter - Email * Primary Poster Presenter - Organization/Affiliation * Primary Poster Presenter - Phone Number * Primary Poster Presenter ONLY - Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships * The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) defines an ineligible company as an organization “whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients." The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be ineligible companies. DMU is required to collect information from all planners, faculty, and others in control of educational content about all their financial relationships with ineligible companies within the prior 24 months. There is no minimum financial threshold; individuals must disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible companies. Individuals must disclose regardless of their view of the relevance of the relationship to the education. Individuals who refuse to disclose relevant financial relationships will be disqualified from developing, managing, presenting, or evaluating the activity. No, within the past 24 months, I do not have any financial relationships to report. Yes (self), within the past 24 months, I have had either a financial interest/arrangement with one or more entities whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. Financial Relationship * Honorarium Consultant Grants or Research Support Self-Managed Stock Shareholder Speaker’s Bureau Full- or Part-Time Employee Other Honoraria: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Consultant: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Grant or Research Support: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Self-Managed Stock Shareholder: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Speaker’s Bureau: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Full- or Part-Time Employee: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Other: Name of Company(s) and Relationship * Is the Financial Relationship Relevant to the Content of the Educational Activity? * No Yes Primary Poster Presenter ONLY - Disclosure of Off-Label Uses * If, at any time, I discuss an off-label use of a commercial product/device, I understand that I must provide disclosure of that intent. No, I do not intend to discuss an off-label use of a commercial product(s)/device(s). Yes, I intend to discuss off-label uses of the following commercial product(s)/device(s) and agree to inform learners of such. Not applicable. Will there be a co-poster presenter? * Two poster presenters per abstract are permitted. Yes No Co-Poster Presenter - First Name Co-Poster Presenter - Last Name Co-Poster Presenter - Email Please indicate which area best represents the topic of your proposal: * Trauma-informed care Mental health and PTSD Complex and compound trauma Holistic health and healing Support structures for trauma care Best practice trauma healthcare protocols Other... Please indicate which area best represents the topic of your proposal: Other... Abstract Title * Maximum of ten (10) words. Learning Objective #1 * Learning Objective #2 * Learning Objective #3 Who is the primary audience for your poster? * Acknowledgement * I confirm the work submitted is my own, and all co-authors have given written permission for me to present at the educational activity. Confirm Abstract Upload - MUST CLICK ON THE "UPLOAD" BUTTON FOR YOUR ABSTRACT TO BE RECEIVED. * Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: doc docx. Leave this field blank