If you're having difficulties uploading your abstract, please email it to [email protected] and include your mentor's name and email address, your program, if you're an undergraduate or graduate student, and your expected graduation year.
Important Dates
- Registration and Abstract Submission Opens: Tuesday, September 19, 2023
- Abstract Submission Closes: Monday, October 23, 2023
- Notification to Presenters: Thursday, November 1, 2023
Awards and Certificates
A certificate of recognition will be given for outstanding achievement in oral and poster presentations. Outstanding oral presentations and an outstanding poster presentation from each of the categories below will be recognized.
- Outstanding Oral Presentations (1st, 2nd, 3rd place)
- Outstanding Poster Presentation in the following categories:
- Anatomy/Paleontology
- Biomedical Research 1
- Biomedical Research 2
- Clinical Research
- Educational Research
- Movement Science
- Public Health
Participants selected to receive an award must be present at the awards ceremony. All student participants would be entered in a raffle drawing for prizes during the event and must be present when called to receive the prize.
Abstract Guidelines and Submissions
Research abstracts must be submitted under one of the following categories.
- Anatomy/Paleontology
- Biomedical Science
- Clinical
- Education
- Movement Science
- Public Health
All abstracts will be published in the meeting program. Please submit your abstract according to the following guidelines.
- Format: Microsoft Word format
- Font: Arial, 11 point
- Margins: 1 inch on all sides
- Spacing: Single-spaced
- Justification: Left
- Abstract body length: No more than 250 words
- Type the title first, using sentence casing (only the first word and proper nouns capitalized).
- Italicize the scientific names of organisms.
- List all authors, institutional affiliations, and short addresses (city and state only).
- Bold the names of the author(s) presenting the work.
- Include applicable credentials for all authors, including students and mentors (e.g., D.P.M.'24, M.S.A.'22, D.O., Ph.D.)
Writing tips
Consider the following questions when preparing your abstract:
- Does the abstract clearly state the aim of the project (i.e., a research question, theoretical issue, or problem)?
- Is the significance of the work clearly stated?
- If relevant, are the methods, data collection, and analysis procedures well-designed and appropriate to the question addressed?
- Are the conclusions justified in relation to the data and/or analysis/description?
- Is the abstract written clearly and organized well?
Oral Presentations
Up to eight students will be selected to give a six-minute lightning talk and a two-minute Q&A. Lightning talks (oral presentations) are limited to eight slides, including an introduction, background, methods, conclusions, references, and acknowledgments. Lightning talk presenters are NOT required to present a poster but may choose to do so. Judges will evaluate the student podium presentations for scientific merit and quality. The students with the highest evaluations will receive a certificate of recognition for the most outstanding oral presentation (1st, 2nd, 3rd place).
If the work is co-authored, only the PRESENTING author will submit it on behalf of all co-authors. The names of all co-authors must be listed on the submission form. For work with multiple authors, they can decide their roles in presenting within the specified time limit. If a PRESENTING author cannot participate due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, the remaining co-authors(s) will assume responsibility for the podium presentation.
A moderator keeps track of your presentation time and may facilitate the discussion at the end of the lightning session. Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (or higher) for PC will be used to project slides. Please make sure your presentation is compatible with this program.
Poster Presentations
Poster abstracts may be submitted by student co-author(s) with their mentor. If the work is co-authored, only the presenting author will submit it on behalf of all co-authors. The names of all co-authors must be listed on the submission form. One outstanding poster presentation for each category will be recognized and receive a certificate of recognition.
IRB or IACUC Approval
If your project involves human or animal research, you must have obtained IRB or IACUC approval, unless you are clearly presenting your work as a proposed project and make it clear that absolutely no research has yet been conducted. Posters involving such research should indicate an approval number or state that no research has been conducted. Anyone giving an oral presentation on a human or animal research project must have an IRB or IACUC approval.
Office of Research
[email protected]
Submission Form