Moderator Recording Submission Form

Thank you for your participation as a moderator! Your contribution is invaluable and helped to make the 3rd Annual HIPE Conference a successful and educational event!

Please upload the recording of your session using the form below. If you have any questions, please contact Des Moines University at or 515-271-1596.

Please enter any comments you may wish to share regarding the recording.
If the file size is larger than 1,000,000 KB (1,000 MB; 1 GB), please email to coordinate another method for submission.
Files must be less than 1 GB.
Allowed file types: mp3 mp4 m4a.

PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the size of the file, it may take up to 20 minutes for the file to successfully upload. Choose the appropriate file and then click upload. There is no status indicator and it may appear that nothing is happening, but the webform is reading the file and working to upload. Leave the browser window open while the file is uploading. Once your file has uploaded, click submit. An example of a successful upload is shown below.